Environmental Management

Norton elected to refer the Binduli North project to the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia (EPA) to provide an open and transparent process for environmental approval.
The EPA has examined the referral, conducted preliminary inquiries and on May 10 determined the proposal was not to be assessed under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act.
The proposal has a disturbance footprint of 924.2ha, which includes 270.1ha of previously disturbed land and a 1,653.7ha development envelope in a long-established mining corridor.
Norton respects its responsibilities to manage potential noise and dust emanating from the Binduli North development. The Company has adopted mitigation measures to limit the impact of operations on neighbouring stakeholders.
A significant range of noise studies has been completed to ensure compliance with noise regulations. As part of its proposal, Norton will construct three significant bunds to help manage noise leaving the site.
With regard to dust, Norton’s proposal includes management measures to prevent dust generation, including the use of water carts to spray water on roads and the cessation of potentially dusty activities during windy conditions.



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PO Box 1653
Kalgoorlie WA 6430

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