Environmental Compliance
Norton is required to comply with 62 separate pieces of legislation associated with environmental management. Fundamental to this, is seeking and maintaining approvals and demonstrating compliance to independent Government agencies during the life of mining operations.
Examples of critical environmental legislation governing approvals includes but is not limited to:
- Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972;
- Mining Act 1978 and Regulations 1981;
- Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and Regulations 1995;
- Dangerous Goods Regulations 1992;
- Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Regulations 1987;
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cmth);
- Wildlife Protection Act 1950; and
- Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914.
Norton maintain a number of legal instruments and licenses for the purposes of water abstraction, bore and well construction, dewatering and dust suppression activities, storage and handling of dangerous goods, and clearing permits. Each instrument is bound by conditions that must be adhered to, and Norton are regularly audited to ensure compliance.
Any incidents resulting in non-compliance or environmental harm are reported as soon as possible to relevant authorities. Remedial measures and investigations are initiated immediately to prevent harm to the environment, keeping within our goal of Zero Harm.
A link to the current approval documents are located here:
Enterprise Mining Proposal
Enterprise Clearing Permit
Enterprise Licence
Janet Ivy Mining Proposal
Janet Ivy Licence
Janet Ivy Clearing Permit