
Environment – Overview

Norton has a highly prospective tenement package of 1,092km2 covering the Paddington and Bullabulling operations. This tenement package is nestled within the Great Western Woodlands and characterised by a semi-arid climate with long, hot summers and mild winters. Rainfall averages are only 266mm per year yet within the woodland there are 160 eucalypt species (20% of Australia’s total) and over 3,000 flowering plants. This is reflected in the varying landscapes across Norton’s tenements with areas of dense woodland vegetation, open areas of shrubland, to one of the many salt lake systems in the region. Each area preserves unique habitat and biodiversity.

At Norton, we operate with a vision to ensure biodiversity in the region is preserved alongside open cut and underground mining operations. This is done fundamentally by implementing an environmental policy aimed at ensuring compliance, environmental responsibility and commitment to the preservation of local and regional biodiversity values and sustainability.


The Norton ‘Environmental and Community Policy’ outlining the foundations integral to achieving this vision is found here: